Monday, January 11, 2010

The Sentimental Pack Rat

The Royals have been busy so far this month. We decided we have reached the point in our life, since moving into our house eight years ago, that we need to purge. To purge successfully you have to "get rid" of your old belongings and either resale them or donate them,and THIS is not an easy task for me. I tend to hold onto possessions for the memories. In fact I still have little outfits the kids wore when they were babies and even a pair of jeans my husband bought for me when we were dating. I know, crazy right? So this is where my husband comes in handy. With him being the less sentimental type he has saved our house from busting at the seams. On the flip side of that note he threw me into major panic attacks. I'm just kidding they were only minor ones. So, phase one of our purge actually started in December, right before Christmas, and that included toys and other odds and end from the kids' rooms. It was devastating for me to stand there and watch the men at Goodwill unload all my memories, or so what I thought were my memories. I just know I got on their nerves when I would say,"No not that...okay go ahead and take it" over and over again. Then the other day we went through more stuff, and the more that we do this the easier it is getting for me. I have to say our home is feeling much lighter. I would say it is also more organized but that would not be true since I was always a pro at organizing, I would just organize the junk. Now that I am a semi pro at purging I will have to remind myself that the memories aren't in the toys,clothes,or any other possession... they will always be in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just found your blog. I am the exact same way with being sentimental with things. I'm also like you and love organization and have been on a purge mission for quite a while. I don't know how we accumulated all of this stuff! AAAHHHHH!! I have learned to only keep and showcase the things that bring you love and joy. It's hard though. I have a really hard time going through the kids' papers. I keep anything artlike that they do and I'm getting better at weeding out the papers. I think I kept every paper my oldest did in Kindergarten and 1st grades. lol I need to go back and weed it down.

    I just wanted you to know you had someone out there who feels the same and shares those same struggles. Good luck and have fun with your purging. It does feel good afterwards doesn't it?
