The summer started out very sad for us due to losing Robert's grandmother. I am so proud of my husband for being strong and keeping it together for his family at a time like that. To ease the kids' grief and pain they would stay outside until the first star appeared and tell MawMaw goodnight and that they love her. It was something I used to do when I was little and lost my mother, and I thought this would help them too. She will be greatly missed.

After a few weeks by the pool the kids and I were loving the break and I was loving my tan. We had big plans Fourth of July week and weekend spending time with family and friends in Houston. I packed for two days and made sure I had everything in order, even had a list. The plan was for me to drive down with the kids and meet Robert a couple of days later. I had never packed and loaded the kids in the car so perfectly and I mean everything was going "too" smooth. We had just one stop before heading out of town. Hannah had her gymnastics class from 5:30 to 6:30 and even though we had mentioned skipping, we went ahead and went. BIG MISTAKE!! Fifteen minutes into her class I got up to see how she was doing and I couldn't see her. Then I spotted her in the pit with her instructor. The owner came up to me and said "We think she may have dislocated or broke her arm". Well...they were right on both, she dislocated AND she broke her arm on top of dislocating her shoulder. Needless to say we did not make it Houston that night, even though I was still hellbent on going! After a few days of rest we went ahead and drove to Houston for a family gathering and since she was going to be in a cast for four weeks...I said goodbye to my tan.
What to do with three kids who can't go to the pool or even get out in the Texas heat and play, you ask? Let them run a muck with their friends while I venture into the world of sewing. I ventured in and I ventured out, however I created five beautiful skirts for my girls and acquired a taste for the band Snow Patrol. My friend and I had a good time and a good laugh at me, but I guess I would have never known if I never tried.

I would have to say the best thing about this summer was friends and I had and needed all kinds. I needed the old, the new and even the lost. Somewhere I read you need a friend for every aspect of your life and I am so blessed to have them. I found a hilarious new workout buddy friend who is back at work now...sniff,sniff. Don't worry I will keep tabs on you and we will always have Kenny G and the downward dog. Unfortunatly, I did have some struggles with my depression this summer and am very thankful for the ones that helped me through it with coffee and long talks. Along the way I managed to mend a friendship and catch up on the lost time and find a lost friendship so we could laugh at ourselves "way back when". Out of all these friends I have my "soul friend", you know the one that will be there no matter what? I got to spend some time with her even though it was not enough, but with her it's never enough.
As I say goodbye to the Summer of 2010 I want to reflect on all the Disney Channel I watched. I will miss you Zach and Cody and even little Hannah Montana, because you are all I heard in the background. I would also like to reflect on my discoveries like Wasabi and Soy Sauce Almonds and that eating at Chick-fila is not fine dining. Also did you know that red roses smell so much better when they are handed over by your husband of twelve years? Trust me they do!!
I am so excited for Monday August 23rd to arrive, I will have a newfound freedom for at least six hours in my day. Okay, okay I will admit it!! I am going to miss my kids so much! This house will be too quiet, so quiet that I might have to turn on that Zach and Cody on the boat show. I was really never watching it...honestly. So long Summer 2010, hello Fall, I can't wait to see what you have in store for me! I know you will keep me super busy!!
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